Cant touch this.

 / The Times New Roman  / Inspire  / Cant touch this.

If you’re lucky enough to be in NYC or Chicago this January, you’ll be able buy yourself a copy of Wired Magazine and see first hands the world’s first interactive print ad!

It’s for Motorola’s new range of Moto X phones, and allow you to customise the colour of the handset, by touching a coloured circle on the printed page. Pretty cool huh.
Here’s a bit more info from the full article:

To drive home the ‘customization’ concept behind Motorola’s Moto X Mobile phone, Digitas, with some help from T+Ink Technology, has created the very first interactive print ad. Select copies (only 150,000 distributed in Chicago and New York) of the January edition of WIRED magazine will feature a print ad that allows you to begin designing your own Moto X phone by simply pressing on colored buttons to change the color of the back of the smartphone’s case. 

So how’d they do it?

This animated gif (from FastCoCreate) gives you look at the technology:

And this video shows you the magazine in action:

Read the full article at
Happy 2014!
EP x