What the F?
The F Pattern is the key pattern humans use to scan a website and it's content. Why do you need to know about it? Understanding how your website users read content online, and placing your most important content in the
It's a Match
Introducing Type Genius! What does it do? Helps you take the guess work out of matching well paired fonts together. You: Tell it what font you plan to use in your document or project It: Tells you which font will compliment your primary font the best. It's that simple.
I spy with my little eye…
Us humans have a predictable pattern when it comes to reviewing blocks of content. Find out how can we create better hierarchy in our designs, and guide our users to read our most important content.
Foxy Stocksy
Introducing Stocky, a Stock Image website that doesn’t suck. Their images are modern, on-trend, and a little more candid than those available on competitor sites. #rahhhwhataretheyallsmilingatanyway
There's no place like home
Two of the things I ask clients while completing my Creative Brief is what type of content they would like to include on their new website home page, and what the primary call to action(s) of the home page should be. I'm not just being nosy, it
Websites integrating MindBody
MindBody is a business management software targeted at the health and wellness industry and brings the management of your business to the web.
All in the font family
Google offer a huge open-source (free!) font library, Google Fonts. But with sooooo many enticing options (over 650 font families), it's not uncommon to feel overwhelmed with choices, and encounter trouble trying to pair compatible fonts together. Lobster + Indie Flower
Spotting an online zombie apocalypse
Article via Creative Bloq We've all read the stories and seen the films, but would you spot a zombie apocalypse if it were staring you right in the face? What if it was happening right now, on your website? Has your online
To serif or not to serif. That is the question.
Ever wonder what the difference is between a Serif and a Sans Serif font? Wonder no more! Thanks Creative Bloq for this sweet infographic which explains the difference between the two styles, and suggests which style is better suited to
Power to the popup!
Despite the general opinion that popups are (really) annoying, they're still in fact very good at what they do. They draw temporary attention to something by interrupting a 'normal' flow of events, and cause an action/reaction, which generates results. In the last
Winners are grinners. Who use the right colours.
Late last year, I posted an infographic about the use of colour online, and how it subconsciously affects the way we behave and take action online. Well here's a follow up article I just found which further explains the colour psyche and is
Dude, where's my car?
Google Now is getting a superpower. Amongst many of it's cool new features, it can remember where you parked your car.
It's all in your tone font face
Turns out if you’re the US Government, something as simple as changing the font face on your hardcopy printouts can save you up to $400 million per year. But it can also result in savings for us too.
Build it responsively and they shall come
5 simple reasons why a responsive web design will help you get more visitors, and how not implementing one could actually be hurting your business.
Did you know?
Did you know more than a billion tweets are sent every 48 hours, or that every sixty seconds, 293,000 status updates are posted on Facebook? Here are some social media 'did you knows' to throw around the watercooler next week
You've set up a new facebook page for your business, and it's looking all shiny and new. But alas! the url reads
A successful business website? Yes please!
Creating a new business website can be a daunting. You know you need a "good" website, but what does that mean and what requirements should you be considering? Creative Bloq asked Juan Lobato, CEO of BaseKit, to suggest 10 fundamental requirements for a
Secrets of seductive writing.
How seductive are your product descriptions? Does your product copy entice readers to click buy, try, or take an action? Here are 7 Simple Steps to Writing Product Descriptions that Sell.
Keep Up! Email marketing is changing.
Email Marketing is Changing – The Rise of Mobile and Triggered Emails Email marketing has been used for years to keep in contact and maintain relationships with clients/customers. Lately, with the increasing use of smartphones, we’ve seen the effectiveness continue to
It's all in your tone.
Colour has a powerful psychological influence on the human brain. It affects the way we think and behave, and the actions we make online. Check out this great infographic from Kissmetrics
Why I develop in WordPress
Check out this great infographic about Wordpress and it's usage in 2013. Most impressively, did you know that WordPress powers almost 20% of the entire internet?
When regular old Lorem Ipsum just wont do.
For most designers/developers, Lorem Ipsum is a familiar term. Lorem Ipsum is the 'go to' website for generating placeholder text for brochures, websites etc, before the real life copy has even been written or arrived. I've generated hundreds of paragraphs of the
Unhand that Smart Object!
Hey Photoshoppers, ever thought that Smart Objects were a great way to keep your PSDs neat and tidy, but a pain in butt to edit / make changes to once converted?
Just My Type
Looking for a cool new font for your website or print documents? Here are a few of the better font sites I use.
8 reasons to hire a Freelancer
For many, the concept of hiring a Freelancer to build their new website or look after their graphic design work is a new one, and in some cases unheard of. But we're out there! We're good at what we
All about colour
Putting together a great colour palette or finding colours/tones that work well together can be as simple as looking at the things around us.
Be Inspired
Looking for some digital inspiration? Peek over the fence and be inspired by design elements and styles others are doing well.
What the font?
Ever find a font online that you love but dont know the name of? Here's a tip for putting a name to the font face.