90 Years Young
It's not every day someone very dear to you turns 90! Heres's how I was able to help with the celebrations, and mark this special milestone. #90thbirthdayinspiration
Design Inspiration: Service Industry
We all know that websites for certain industries are very "on trend", hipster if you like. Photographers, Architects, Design firms, Fashion houses, Yogies etc. But what about more traditional service based industries that are less glamourous
Websites integrating MindBody
MindBody is a business management software targeted at the health and wellness industry and brings the management of your business to the web.
Etsy Store – DIY Wedding Invitations and Kits
I finally did it. I made an Etsy shop for my Wedding Invitations! Introducing
Knowing me, knowing you
Want to know what kind of person you are? Find out based on the last email you sent of at least 100 words.
Want. A handbag that charges your phone on the go.
One for the ladies… Introducing Everpurse, the purse that charges your phone while you're out and about! #winning.
Look ma, no keys!
Imagine if playing the air guitar actually resulted in an audible, stream of guitar music! Well, that’s what AirType can do. It's a keyboard-less keyboard that will change the way we type, especially when it comes to tablet devices. AirType is a set of
Colour palettes inspired by the mix of beautiful people and colours from a recent trip to the South Pacific.
3D Printers doing awesome things.
I was blown away today by an article about a man who had his face reconstructed using 3D printed parts, after a nasty motorbike accident. Which got me wondering
Wake Up And Smell The Bacon
It's 7:00am. Ok, really it's 7:15am because one snooze never hurt anyone. But instead of being woken to the beep of your alarm clock or whichever horrible ringtone you managed to set, you wake to the sweet smell of freshly
Working with a Freelancer: The Website Design & Build Process Explained
There are lot's of advantages to hiring a freelance designer to design and develop your new website. We provide great personalised service, we're really flexible, and your money goes directly toward your project, and not overheads that may not be relevant to
Feel like Jack and Jill as they ran up the hill
When reading a book, you can only imagine the emotions of your favourite character throughout a storyline, but what if you could actually 'feel' their happiness, pain and other emotions?
Cant touch this.
If you're lucky enough to be in NYC or Chicago this January, you'll be able buy yourself a copy of Wired Magazine and see first hands the world's first interactive print ad.
Fa la la la la!
A quick note to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy new year. #whatagreatyear #timeflieswhenyourehavingfun #mmmeggnog
Getting into the Christmas Spirit!
With just 33 sleeps to go, I thought I’d get into the Christmas spirit and offer a freebie.
Design Work featured in 100 Layer Cake
Thanks 100 Layer Cake, one of the biggest and bestest wedding blogs around, for featuring my custom wedding artwork and designs. Here's a teaser
Wedding Weakness #2
Sneek peek only! This week, I've put the finishing touches on some nautical themed wedding invitations and a custom wedding website.
Facebook. Sprinkled with Sugar.
Some nice examples of how to be creative / add some personality to the fairly restrictive Facebook layout.
Be Inspired
Looking for some digital inspiration? Peek over the fence and be inspired by design elements and styles others are doing well.
Chuffed to be mentioned as a Top Freelance Designer of 2013
Recognised as a Top Freelance Designer in 2013, Couponaudit suggests there is value in hiring a good quality experienced designer. Somewhat bias, I have to agree.